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- Who We Support
- About Outlook Care
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- Careers
- Who We Support
- About Outlook Care
- Enquiries
- Enquiry Form
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- Who We Support
- About Outlook Care
- Enquiries
- Enquiry Form
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- Careers
Who We Support
Tailored Social Care and Support
Outlook Care provide tailored adult social care and support services to empower those living with learning disabilities, autism spectrum disorder, behaviours of concern, mental health and other complex additional health needs to be able to live as independently as possible, become integral within the community and achieve aspirations through their individual support pathways. We also provide nursing care, specialist dementia care and palliative care in our care homes for the elderly.
No matter how complex the personal situation
Our intention is for each adult to be able to enjoy more of life and experience a sense of belonging, no matter how complex their personal situation. Our staff consistently apply tailored, active and positive behavioural support to help achieve transformation in people's lives. We provide residential care, domiciliary care, supported living and transitional care support pathways. We also provide nursing care, specialist dementia care and palliative care in our care homes for the elderly.
Staff training to meet the needs of anyone using our services
We train all staff appropriately to help improve the experience and outcomes for all people using our services. All of our staff who have contact with, or may potentially have contact with, an autistic person or a person with a learning disability, whether that person is using the service themselves or if they are accompanying somebody are provided with Oliver McGowan Mandatory Training on Autism and Learning Disability as a minimum. It also includes ancillary staff, for example receptionists, security guards, cooks and kitchen staff, or cleaners.
Seamless referral and placement process
We strive to support individuals, families, and professionals to find the right support service/s and relieve anxieties and concerns when searching for support. Our referral and placement process is extremely thorough and enables us to get to know each individual and their support needs in as much depth as possible. This allows us to identify and specifically plan the individual's support and services needs with the person at the centre of everything we do. Our senior management team are involved from start to finish to ensure that the process is seamless.
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© Copyright Outlook Care
Outlook Care is a registered society under the Co-operative and Community Benefit Societies Act
incorporated on 24th January 1990 and recognised as charitable by HM Revenue and Customs.
Registered Society Number 26988R
Outlook Care Registered Office:
Foxburrow Grange, Ypres Road, Colchester, Essex, CO2 7NL
Tel : 01277 633163
Email : info@outlookcare.org.uk
Other Outlook Care websites :
Residential Nurse Care & Dementia Care Homes
St George's Nursing Home. Witham