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- Who We Support
- About Outlook Care
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- Who We Support
- About Outlook Care
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- Who We Support
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Inclusion and Person-Centred Approach
Inclusion and Person-Centred Approach
Outlook Care’s commitment to every Customer is to provide support that enables them to have the same rights and opportunities as everyone else in their community.
Marginalised groups in our communities need to have positive experiences of self-advocacy as a means towards independence. Outlook Care considers it a responsibility to be a place where Customers, Staff, Family/Carers have a positive experience of Inclusion.
Inclusion underpins every aspect of how we work with Customers so they can tell us;
- What they want from their service
- How they want to be supported
- How they feel about their support
- What they would like to change
We carefully consider how each Customer can advocate their own choices and decisions using a variety of communication methods with support from people they trust in their Circle of Support.
Outlook Care staff will listen and respect the Customer’s choices about how they wish to take care of themselves, live in their home, share their lives with other people, use services and have things to do that are meaningful to them. Staff will support Customers to make decisions based on
- Sharing information in a format they need
- Understanding their responsibilities as citizens
- Identifying other people or organisations who can help them
- Taking Positive Risks
- Sharing and Learning from Experiences
The Keyworker reviews the Support Plan regularly with the Customer. Reviews with the Customer’s Circle of Support enables them to share their experiences and consider their future opportunities in a positive and supportive environment enhancing their experience of Inclusion.
Outlook Care’s commitment to Inclusion extends to respecting the diversity, skills and talents of a very diverse staff team. Our management approach is one of transparency and inclusion of our staff in decisions about how Outlook Care’s Policies are brought to life to improve the services we provide locally. This drive to learn from the experience of Customers and those who advocate for them, Families/Carers enables us to work towards continuous improvement of each Customer’s experience of our services.
Outlook Care’s Equality and Diversity Policy underpins its value of respecting everyone we engage with - Customers, Employees, Family/Carers or partner organisation who support us. We seek to positively include Customers and those with lived experience in the decisions we take about how to improve our services through accountability to our Board, Commissioners and Regulatory bodies. Management response to the need for change to meet Customer’s needs is therefore more positive and flexible especially in the areas of Safeguarding, Complaints and Whistleblowing.
Outlook Care’s commitment to LISTEN as one of our key values drives us to apply this standard in how we review how we are supporting Customers and Staff Teams. It enables us to learn from lived experience, improve our recruitment, training, support and development of staff. It also contributes to our ability to respond to be accountable and open and transparent when we receive feedback from others about how we are doing.
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© Copyright Outlook Care
Outlook Care is a registered society under the Co-operative and Community Benefit Societies Act
incorporated on 24th January 1990 and recognised as charitable by HM Revenue and Customs.
Registered Society Number 26988R
Outlook Care Registered Office:
Foxburrow Grange, Ypres Road, Colchester, Essex, CO2 7NL
Tel : 01277 633163
Email : info@outlookcare.org.uk
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